Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deep in the Heart of Texas Tuesday

Hello from Texas.....

I don't want to lose touch with all y'all just yet so here is my first blog from my new home state of Texas.  I know you are all gearing up for the "ever-present-in-the-back-of -your-mind" NJASK8.  Don't worry.  Just do what you do best: read insightfully and write powerfully and creatively.  You guys will be just fine.

On my trip from Barnegat to Houston and later on to Dallas, I saw many remarkable cities.  I will post some pictures. Let's see if you can recognize my locations.  Maybe this could be inspiration for an original short story, as well.  Interesting settings often lend themselves to fabulous story lines.

What do you think?
Let's see if you can trace my road trip.....

Easy so far, right?

One of my favorite spots below.....

Cities are wonderful places to tell a story.  The people who live in big cities have such interesting lives often with many challenges.

Let's see if someone can start a story here.  I look forward to hearing from each of you on the blog.

Mrs. P


  1. I honestly don't know a_lot of those cities. I see Washington D.C. I think. I'm not that good with landmarks in cities... Anyways, how is Texas Mrs. Prisbell? I hope I can e-mail you soon but I have been a bit busy. Maybe this can be a story about somebody who is traveling the United States visiting well known cities. Maybe this person intends on going to only one city but their transportation keeps getting messed up and they keep getting sent to the wrong places... At first, this person is furious and becomes very agitated at anyone who comes near them. Constantly expressing how much he/she hates the current city and how much they want to go on to the right one they wanted to go to in the first place. In the end, the person finally realizes that they are sort of thankful that their transportation got messed up because they got to see all of these cities which were actually really fun to be in but the person wouldn't admit it. Towards the end he/she regrets not taking in the full experience and being mad all the time so he/she changes his/her personality so they aren't like that anymore. Now they are happy and outgoing and planning a vacation to many places not just in America but in other countries too! By the way, I put an underscore in between a and lot in a lot because Mrs. Rollis stressed today that it is two words and not one. Maybe if I remember me putting the underscore there maybe I can remember not to put it as alot...

  2. Well...... I have no idea what 6/8 of these places are as long as the first one is in or near Maryland. The story could be....

    A duo of teenagers on the track of solving the biggest case of theft in history. Police around the world have been working years to catch this woman, an expert stealth thief, who has now gone around the world to treasure-nap every country and monument's most cherished pieces of history. These two teenagers, brother and sister, are the first and only to find evidence and a lead to her crimes. These siblings, accompanied by their adventurous uncle, set off to follow the robber's path and stop her from taking anymore Lincoln Memorial heads without asking!Oh, and every historical piece would have a connection with each other and relate to the thief's grudge on the world.
    I thought another story with mystery and confusion was due, so here it is.

  3. Hello to Shane and Connor.....
    It is really great to touch base with you and read your story ideas here on the blog. I knew my pictures would be difficult to identify. I am glad you recognized Baltimore, Connor, and DC too, Shane. At least that's a start.
    People will have to think of Blue Ridge Mountains and the Deep South for some of the rest.
    Come back often and comment. A few more posts from me will be coming.
    Mrs P
