Thursday, April 18, 2013

Positive Thinking Thursday

Positive?  Yes, it's difficult to be positive when so much is happening around us that appears to be so negative, I know.  This is when we have to pull out all the stops and remain as positive as possible for those who need us and for our own well-being, as well.

What exactly would make you happy?  Summer weather?  Graduation?  Good grades?  Hanging out with friends?  Watching a good movie?  Singing and dancing with friends?  Harlem Shake?  (Is it really Harlem Shake or Slide? I truly can't remember. I told you I was getting old. Ha)    How about just laughing until your gut aches or your eyes tear?  That's what I love the most....a good hard laugh.  I do get to laugh a lot with my grandsons, but, of course, I sincerely miss the laughter of 8th graders.  Nothing compares.

Let's send our good thoughts and support to Boston, West,Texas.....Mississippi and Washington, DC too.
Here are some pictures to make us all feel better in the face of sadness.  Share your thoughts and what makes you smile.

Who can answer this question?

The one above is for me <3

I miss Vinnie's, Naples', Schiano's, and Marchione's pizza.  :-(

Friends and a good laugh too......

Tell me about what makes you happy.  Let's talk.


  1. Things that make me happy are: Hanging out with friends, going outside, and just doing what I want to do. Most of all, watching other people be happy makes me happy. By the way, at the Pep rally, all of the teachers and staff did the harlem shake! It was quite JOCULAR, Mrs. Rollis's favorite word, and really made the whole school feel happy. I think that the Harlem Shake is so popular because it makes people happy. It is the new Gangnam Style. That viral video also made people happy. Something will only get popular if it conveys a positive emotion to people. If it made people sad, nobody would do it.

    1. You make a very good point, Shane, about the power of making people happy. Mr. Fiorentino came up with the teacher/ staff Harlem Shake idea to surprise the student body. I am so glad it was a success and brought some smiles to your faces. I applaud our principal. Thank you for commenting on this post. Good luck testing week. I will be thinking of you all.
      Mrs P

  2. Things that make me happy... Listening to THE BEATLES (especially Hey Jude, And Your Bird Can Sing, and Hey Bulldog), hanging out with some buddies, riding my bike (or just being outside in general), and laughing until it hurts. Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Hope you're having a good time in Texas! :)

    1. Thanks for commenting, Rachel. You know I too am a huge Beatle fan. Good choice in music. I was your age when they first came to the US. It was huge. I hope everything is going well with you. Things are very good here in Texas with my grandsons. It's just so different.
      Keep in touch :)
      Mrs P

    2. Oops! I said Raquel in my head and typed Rachel.

  3. I smile whenever I get the chance..... I love to see people laugh(which makes me... It's contagious), to have fun with people I know, to watch my favorite shows, having no homework do do, and all kinds of art! In addition, today, Career Day, in period 2 I ate loads of ice cream with candy and had a sugar rush until 10th period, gym.

    Maybe, your next post could be about our career day experiences and what we would like to do, as of now, as an occupation! :D

    1. Thanks Connor. I have seen you smile many times :) I too use TV to make me laugh.
      I like your idea about a career day post. I will work on it soon. So good to hear from you.
      Mrs P

  4. Part one of the Language Arts Literacy New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge was today. It makes me quite happy that it is over (to relate to the blog post.) Overall, it was quite easy save for a few multiple choice questions that were a bit challenging. The persuasive writing task was not that bad. It also makes me happy that it was not an Argumentative piece. I think we'll all be glad once it is over on Thursday.

    1. Hi Shane,
      Thanks for touching base with me. One down and one to go for LAL. I know you guys must have done a fantastic job on any persuasive topic thrown at y'all. Good luck the rest of the week. I will be sending good vibes your way :-)
      Mrs P

  5. I was watching a show where they break down modern day slang.They did a country talk episode and covered y'all.Any guesses on how it originated?

  6. Hi Grant,
    That is so interesting. I would love to know the origin of Y'all, especially since I use it all rhe time now. Ha
    I assumed it had something to do with making life easier. Do tell ....
    Mrs P

    1. In medieval times, people referred to one as thou and a group as ye all. When scots irish people moved to america, they brought the phrase with them. Their accents turned the phrase into y'all, which is a way to acknowledge more than one person.

    2. Thanks Grant. I would not have made the connection. Just wondering why it is so vastly used in Texas and not on the East Coast. Interesting indeed.
      Mrs P

    3. The immigrants were the first to move into the frontier land.

    4. Thanks Grant. That makes perfect sense. It certainly feels like the frontier in much of Texas.
      BTW I heard you are headed to MATES next year. True? If so, congratulations. I would have loved to have written your letter of recommendation. Good job!
      Mrs P

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hello Shane,
      Very interesting take on an explanatory essay. I hope you felt challenged. I will delete but thanks for sharing. Looked for your email but could not locate it. Relax now and enjoy ILA....
      Mrs P

  8. Congratulation Grade 8 students. You finished the NJASK8!
    Mrs P

  9. I understand why you deleted my comment. I would have probably got in trouble with the state or something. And by the way, I haven't e-mailed you yet.

    1. Shane,
      I just did not want to take any chances. Too many students have to make it up due to absence. Now I understand why I could not find your email. Haha
      As soon as I set up Internet I will work on another post. Check back.
      Mrs P

  10. Right after the ASK, I got homework from Mrs. Rollis -_-
    Maybe, just maybe, I will have to spend lots of time in front of the TV as you said in order to make me laugh and smile. My face is of disappointment as the face -_- examplifies, and my only concern is the flaw of not even being entertained by such broadcasting.

    The second image, of the feline, will be my surroundings and approach to this writing assignment. FOR SCIENC.... uh Literature. XD

    1. I wish I knew a good joke, Connor, to brighten your spirits. Just meet your task head on and take that load off your shoulders. Procrastination never works. You are a creative young man and I know Mrs Rollis will appreciate that too. Good luck to you. Let me know what you accomplish.
      Mrs P
