Monday, December 17, 2012

Memorable Toy Monday

This is the season of gift giving. Children have wide eyes as they think about receiving their favorite toy. Look at each of the toys below. Are any of them familiar to you? Did I find a favorite of
yours? Please comment on the pictures.

I'd like to hear about your favorite toy from childhood. Which one holds a special place in your heart and always will? (No technology, please.)

Explain what makes that one special toy so special to you.

Slinky Toy

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

girls 16 bikeTickle Me Elmo                      

boys 16 bike

Many Webkinz pets as part of one child's collection.Webkinz
G.I. JOE Hasbro 3 3/4" Wave 9 Action Figure General Hawk

Baseball glove,bat and ball on grass

Cabbage Patch Kids

teddy bears paradise

Wilson American Football Ball : Micro




  1. My favorite toy was a white teddy bear, which i named "Teddy." What an original name! It's kind of ironic because in Mr. Eckert's class, we were just discussing the origin of the teddy bear. I used to throw him in the air and catch him. He was my first weapon. In fact, his (literally) hard eyes drew blood from my sister, who I may dislike. Our common dislike brought us closer. When you see the movie "TED," it really is funny to think about a 27 year old teddy bear. Anybody else for teddy bears?

  2. The one toy that stands out as a cherished memory was the Furby because when I was in preschool, my grandmother, my siblings, and I all had one that we played with. We would play with them together and care for them as if they were pets, and the best part was that they interacted back to you making them seem like a real pet.

  3. If i had to pick a favorite toy it would be bionicals/lego. Every christmas i can remember i always got a set of some sort. Me and my cousine john michael would always build with them in our spare time. The first time i was introduced to them i was 5 and could barly build any thing, until jm showed me the ropes and then i was hooked. Its a great way to practice building skills, to test your creativity and just to pass the time! Its so fun that its no wonder its one of the longest living toys! (1932:first model-2012:where we are now)

  4. The thing that stood out in my childhood was my collection of Matchbox and Hotwheelz, which i may or may not still have. I would spend hours at a time pretending to "own" them and "drive" them across a small map of a town i used to have. I would have all different types of makes and models of different cars from around the world, ranging from forklifts to lamborghinis.

  5. My favorite childhood toy has to be a teddy bear. I made this teddy bear at Yankee Candle and I still kind of remember making it. Its special to me because I just liked having something I could hug or talk to (even though it didn't respond) whenever I wanted. I still have it actually and for some reason I don't remember giving it a name. I think I just called it Teddy. :)

  6. Well my favorite toy was definitaly a little out of the ordinary, a toy lamb, yes as in baby sheep. Being two when I got it I named it lamby and, over the course of seven years vomited,drooled and a whole lot of other(and rather disigusting) things to was special because well, I don't really know why it was just my favorite toy,
    Michael Maffucci

  7. @ Grant, Connor, Joe, Blayne, Raquel, and Mike....
    Thanks for posting. I love to hear about your favorite toys. It really gives me a window into your childhood. Mike, my grandson has a favorite lamby too. He's 2.

    Mrs P

  8. Replies
    1. Check the pictutes. I trust your favorite is pictured.
      Mrs. P

  9. @ Mr. Eckert..... We love that you commented on the blog. Feel free to expand and also please sign you name. I am glad the students were able to relay your story to me. We all felt your pain. Thanks for posting.

    Mrs. P

  10. FURBY! True story: When I was like 2 and furbys first came out... My Aunt stood in line for 2 hours trying to get a furby for me. Over the years I have went through like 3 furbys because I played with it so much i managed to break it. Sadly, I have no memories of what I did with the furby or even having a furby. My Mom just told me stories. Stupid furbys....

  11. @Shane.... I have to laugh. You have no idea how hard it is for all the parents who are putting their names on waiting lists and waiting in lines as stores open just to get that little Furby. For me it was Cabbage Patch Kids for my daughter. So much stress and you don't even remember it. That says a lot.

    Mrs. P

  12. When I was little, my favorite toy was a stuffed rabbit that my aunt had gotten me when I was three. Her name was bunny. I know, it's a very original name. I also used to love playing with building blocks and Legos with my brother. We used to make huge castles out of them, well, they use to be huge to us wen we were little.
    - Mary

  13. Sorry for the grammar problems in the last sentence. It's suppost to say "well they used to be huge to us when we were little.
    - mary

  14. @ Mary.... Thanks for sharing. My daughter also had a favorite bunny. It's name was Bunny O. Another original name...

    Mrs. P
