Saturday, December 15, 2012

Serene Thoughts this Saturday....

I certainly hope we can find some serene thoughts this day. 

Because we are in the month of December, I thought it was time to start thinking about what happened in the world in 2012. I always love when the news reports include a photo montage of the year in review. This year I may feel differently.  Let's try to think about what happened this year starting way back in January 2012. Try to think about the second half of your 7th grade year and what events happened this past summer. September through December should be easy for you all because of your many current event assignments. This topic will take some research, I'm sure. It took me days and I have only scratched the surface.  We may even have to ask the content teachers like Mr. Eckert, Mr. Szot, Mrs. Buccella, and Mrs. Howanich. Who else would have a handle on the pulse of the world? Mr. Gordon? Maybe. I think he would know what new trivia questions have surfaced in 2012. I bet there are many. Mr. Rizzo or Mrs. Gross? Has there been any new information that would concern a mathematician or accountant?  There certainly have been many developments along those lines. Can you identify them? How about the economy?

I guess you will have to think about that now or even ask these knowledgable professionals. That's your task. I will post pictures, and I ask that you identify the event and the approximate time that it was in the news.


Let's say good bye......

In the news......

This is what we were watching...
You can add your own list.
 I will add my own favorite show. 
      The news always returns...... 

CNN Reports....

'Why? Why?': 26 dead in elementary school massacre

By Susan Candiotti and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN
updated 11:17 AM EST, Sat December 15, 2012
The year in review.......


  1. Back in business, and im number one on my computer. 2012 was a very tragic year in all, with all the shootings and the disasters, the country was in mourning. First was the midnight showing of The Dark Night Rises. A gunman walked inside the theather during an action scene dressed in full tactical gear and opened fire at the audience killing 14 people. Next was Hurricane Sandy, when the wind and air pressure shoved the storm directly into the east coast. Hundreds were killed and Millions were left homeless. Finally comes the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre. A 20 year old boy walked into the school after killing his mother who was a kindergarten teacher there and walked to his mothers classroom, killing most of his mothers kindergaten students using his mothers two handguns and her semi-automatic rifle. In a total perspective, the year 2012 has been a tragic one in all.

  2. Thank you Blayne. There has been additional information as the terrible tragedy in CT unfolds. I now believe the shooters mother was not a teacher in rhe school. Still no reasons were given for this horrible event.

    Mrs P

  3. 2012 was a very unique year with many ups. Sadly, there were at least twice as many downs. The tragedies in Connecticut and Aurora, the great recession, Hurricane Sandy, the Syrian Civil War, and to top it off, supposedly the world is going to end. If it does end, at least it will stop all of this stupid violence.

  4. Oh Shane, let's think positively. Looking ahead to 2013 with high hopes...

    Mrs P

  5. the very first image was the one event that stood out against all other pictures, it was the only joyful experience pretty much. The summer Olympics 2012 was an amazing event in England with the event of the supposed "queen" jumping out of a plane, the industrial revolution presentation, the whole storybook and novel thing with giant Lord Voldemort and luminnecsent beds, and the cell phone evolution play. I loved it, but the only down side was that Hatsune Miku did not perform as they said she would.

  6. @Connor..... Thanks for reminding us how wonderful the London Olympics were. I too loved the storybook part of the Opening Ceremonies and , of course, the gymnastics competitions. Thanks for a positive comment. BTW were you really posting at 1:33 AM??

    Mrs P

  7. 2012 certainly had its ups and downs: the Miami Heat winning the NBA championship and the New York Giants winning the Super Bowl,respectively. As said by others, 2012 is a year remembered for its tragedies. There is one thing to be happy about, though. WWIII will have to wait for 2013. Now thinking about it, I can see something positive. On November 24th, a major world record was surpassed. Any guesses?...

  8. November 24? First I was thinking outer space or solar. Then religion came to mind. Now, Grant, I am thinking I missed something huge in my year in review. Are you referring to Japan? Let's talk.

    Mrs. P

  9. Im not referring to Japan, but you were close... it has to do with South Korea. Do you want to guess or do you want me to tell you.

    Gangnam Style by Psy reached number 1 on youtube's most watched videos. I think the video has about 970 million views and is on its way to being the first video watched 1 billion times. Gangnam Style passed Baby by Justin Bieber on November 24th. How can you not like such a catchy tune? Go watch it and enjoy

  11. @ Grant.....I was way off. I was thinking power plant earthquake in Japan. I have to admit, I was one of the people who searched the Gangnam dance. Very cool indeed.
    Mrs. P

  12. Ugh my dads iPad just shut off and erased my post that was like 20 lines. I'll give you a brief over view. iPhone 5, taylor swift's red, economy, music hits, china's activists, world problems, boxing rivalry solved, people who helped America this year, and other good news. I also have proof that I'm not the voice of reason; one of the posts where uploaded when I was n Richards boat.Question him and me tomorrow if you would like

  13. Thanks Avery. I need more info on your "news in a nut shell" version. I need specifics for sure. Yes, we will talk tomorrow about V of R.

    Check back later tonight or tomorrow for new post.
    Mrs. P

  14. i know several events that happened this year that weren't bad since all of those have been taken. The release of ipad 3 and the ipad mini, gangnam style becomes the most loved song in the world, one direction becomes famous, and the 2012 olympics. Also the premier of Skyfall and The Avengers plus Carly Rae Jepsens 'call me maybe' song becomes extreamly popular. And thats what was going on in our world in 2012... positivly anyway.

  15. @Joe.... We missed you today. Thanks for some positive comments for 2012.. You are right about "Call Me Maybe." That song had a huge impact on society. It's just fun too.
    Mrs P

  16. Mrs. P- Did you find my little drawing on Friday?

  17. @ VOICE..... I may have found a picture on Friday. Remind me. What was it? Hint please :)
    Did you happen to plant the evidence near someone else's seat? Just wondering. Or perhaps it was rhe note I confiscated. Ahhhhh

    Mrs P

  18. The picture was not a note, just a simple yellow paper with the drawing, a little note from me, and a scribbled out name one the back. This holds some importance does it not?

  19. @ VOICE....Very intriguing, indeed. I may have to contact the night custodian to see if it was found and saved. My memory fails me. Your method of contact may have to be repeated at some future time. I will not fail you. I look forward to the challenge.

    Mrs. P
