Friday, November 30, 2012

Famous Quote Friday

Our writing focus this marking period will be explanatory essays. The best way to start is with an interesting quote. I am sure you have all learned a format for this essay that you used in 7th grade. Nothing is set in stone and there are many different possibilities for setting up this type of essay. You have to use what works for you. Create your own writing style. The most important thing to remember is to let your own voice shine through.

Below you will find the quote I would like you to consider.

gerber daisy Pictures, Images and Photos
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”

Here is an additional option below.
Motivational Quote - Adversity and loss make a man wise.

Write about the format you would use to develop this quote as an essay. How many paragraphs would be necessary? What's the first logical step for paragraph one? Two? More?

Let 's see what you already know. It may save us some time. Now express your thoughts about this quote.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

World Wide Wednesday

What's happening in the world today? Read the paper or search the Internet. Let us know what you find that is news worthy. Let's share the news. Make sure it's real, though.

Hoax 9/11 charity ordered to repay $121K in donations

Christopher Baxter/Statehouse Bureau By Christopher Baxter/Statehouse Bureau
on November 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM, updated November 19, 2012 at 12:00 PM

  • A view of Point Pleasant Beach from one of the helicopters traveling with Vice President Joe Biden's tour of superstorm Sandy damage along the Jersey Shore.
  • What's going on in your town after Sandy?

  • Saturday, November 17, 2012

    Worry-free Weekend

    Relax.  You made it through marking period one of your 8th grade year. 

    Nice job, everyone, on all the blog comments. It was good to see that many of you took this new experience seriously. I saw great ideas for both reading and writing coming from each of you who shared.

    Take a break from commenting for this weekend. You can look forward to more topics next week as we find new avenues to explore in Integrated Language Arts.

    Monday you will visit the library for a fantastic book fair, and also you can choose your new free reading book. Read the book jackets and search for a book with an interesting setting and characters who are able to deal with conflict.

    You will have a challenging project at the end of marking period two. This will be another chance to showcase your many talents.

    Student reading a book in a library [1574R-36100]
    Student reading a book

    Monday, November 12, 2012

    Metaphor Monday

    Metaphor Monday......
    Let's be creative. What metaphors come to mind when you look at these pictures? Choose one picture and create your metaphor. Don't tell us which one. We should be able to figure it out. Have fun.

    A metaphor can be used in many different ways. How would you describe the pictures below?

    Some students may have a little trouble with Metaphor Monday.  Let's just keep this post open to using your choice of figurative language.

    Look at the picture and describe. Give it your best shot using simile, metaphor, personification, or imagery of any type. Be creative.
    Aero Woods

    Con Dao Beach