Friday, August 30, 2013

Fun-Filled Summer Friday

     It's the last Friday in August and here you go again entering another school year.  I almost said here "we" go, and then I remembered that I am officially retired.  I want you all to know that you are always on my mind and I will always be a teacher in my heart. As summer ends we can say goodbye to all the fabulous traveling and get ready to set our minds to studies. I say "our" minds here because I will be tutoring a group of boys here in Texas  to improve writing skills and vocabulary.  I hope to invite them to join the blog discussion.  They will be taking the SAT soon, like many of you, so vocabulary enrichment will be very important. 

I would like to share some pictures of my recent trip to California to visit my daughter.  It was a very special trip.  I never realized how much I missed the Jersey Shore until she took me to see the Pacific Ocean. Enjoy.

 Irvine---  Love the palm trees at the mall.....

Laguna Beach --- Just fantastic views with the cliffs and the ocean......

With patisserie cases overflowing with the most delicious treats, how could one resist? 

Where did your travels take you this summer?  Please share some of your experiences on the blog.  I would love to hear about areas of our country or wherever you traveled this summer.  If this summer found you at home, please share what kept you busy as you "destressed"  after ending your 8th grade year.
Here is a list of core vocabulary words in context to get you all thinking about the SAT as you enter high school.

Good luck to you all and keep in touch.

I am a slightly ambivalent about this whole retirement idea.  It is very unorthodox for me not to be thinking about the next lesson I am about to teach, but if I think pragmatically, I think I can get used to the idea of adding more relaxation and even altruistic deeds to my life.  I am finding the residents of Texas to be quite amiable. It often makes me nostalgic as I remember the simpler times of my childhood in New Jersey. My life seems less ambiguous now that I am settled here in Texas.  There was a time right after leaving all of you that I felt slightly aloof, and I thought that I had made a huge mistake. I tried to be prudent, and I carried on with my plan. Some may have thought that I was naive or even gullible to think I could move cross country.  It was futile to worry.  Armed with fortitude, I made the journey from New Jersey to Texas with a side trip to Vermont, as well. I feel like I succeeded and am now enjoying my serene neighborhood of Sugar Land.  What a perfect name for a town!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Memorable Monday.....July 2013

It's memorable Monday "deep in the heart of Texas" and only 81 degrees after a heavy rain.  That's fantastic since most days it hits 100 degrees.  I do miss the ocean breezes of the Jersey Shore.

Since it is summer, I am sure many of you are hitting the road, so to speak, with your families for a nice road trip.  What is there to see, you ask?  How about the world's biggest ball of twine?  A thousand pound meat ball, maybe?  In the spirit of John Steinbeck and his travels with his faithful dog, Charly, let's discuss what the states have to offer.  I'd like to hear from you and also please take a tally to see how many states you have been to or through (by car) and how many you still have to explore.   I will do the same.  I need a map so here it is.

I know what areas are lacking for me.  I need to reach Kentucky.  I am not sure how I missed that on my many road trips.  I also have to reach the northern section of the country to see Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  To round out the top 10 of missed states,  I will sadly add Alaska and Hawaii.  I apologize for not including them on the above map.
I know from a comment on the last post, our own Grant is in Hawaii.  I can't wait to hear him sing the praises of the island state. 

Although most of my favorite pictures taken during my travels are still just on my iphone, I will search the computer for some to share here.  Feel free to describe your favorite state to visit or simply pass through.....
Feel free to write a mini personal narrative of your travels here, as well.  I truly miss reading your writing. 

Here are some pictures to ponder....
Moving east to west

There are many reasons to travel around our great states.  Some like to visit ball parks, and some like to find national treasures like monuments, zoos, and parks.  My family always started our travels in search of colleges and universities.  It was always an experience. 
I can't wait to hear about your travels. 

Mrs. P

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Time to Think Thursday....June 2013

It's now a few weeks before summer officially begins. I know for all of alreay has started.    I  miss all y'all. By the way, I am hoping to travel back to New Jersey this month so maybe our paths will cross soon.
Please post on the blog and let me know how you will be spending your summer. Reflect on your 8th grade year. What memories will be special to you and how do you want to shape your Freshman year in Barnegat High School or MATES?  You will hear speeches on graduation night. Your Valedictorian will have a message for you all.   Mayor Morano, Mr. Fiorentino, and Superintendent Karen Wood will all have messages for you too.  Listen closely.   Take every bit of advice to heart and make your mark in the next four years. Get involved in your school, make and keep good friends, and, of course, put forth your best effort always. I wish you all the very best of luck in your futures whatever they may be. As I told many of you already.....I know you will become something fabulous! Enjoy.
Mrs. Prisbell
I love the beach.....I am in the Galveston area, but here are some of my favorite images of LBI that I will always hold dear even while in Texas....

Good morning, Long Beach Island!

photo: beach



Long Beach Island, NJ sunset (by Lisa Harrison) on the bay...and an old Victorian home in Galveston
It's rare to see a sunset unless you are bayside. I hope you all get to enjoy a sunrise or sunset on the Island this summer. I hope to catch a sunrise myself over the Gulf of Mexico.   I look forward to connecting with each one of you on the blog. I welcome your comments even as you go through high school. Please check back from time to time.    Let's talk soon.    

Mrs. Prisbell

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wordy Wednesday ----- May 2013

I love poetry.  I am not sure what the plans are for May and June with Mrs. Rollis, but I hope you all will add some creative poetry reading and writing into your spare time.  When you read a poem it explodes with meaning inside you.  If you get it, the message will stay with you forever.  If not, it will just fizzle out and die.  No problem.....thanks for trying.
Poetry is a great way to express your emotions.  At times poetry can say the most in the least amount of words possible.  I am still unpacking but I did find some interesting journals given to me my students and my fellow teachers, as well.  As I look around at all the beauty of nature, I get inspired to write.  I may be filling those journals with poetry soon.  As I plant flowers all around my new home and get ready to put pen to paper myself, I hope you will share some of your favorite poetry here.  If you are so inclined, I would love to read some original poetry from all of you too. 

What Is A Best Friend?

© John Devaney age 16 
A Best Friend is a great thing to have.
They're someone you can always lean or depend on when you're sad.
They're always there when time in need.
They're always there pushing you to succeed.
They help you live a happier life.
They're there to help you find the right man or wife.
They push and push you with all their might.
They're there to tell you they love you every night.
They don't care what other people say.
They know their life is easier to see you each day.
They're there through thick and thin.
They're ones who have no concern about the color of your skin.
They're there to help you see.
They're there because they love you for who you are.
They're there to show you off to the world like a shinning star.
They're there to always give advice or listen.
They're there to make your smile wide and glisten.
They're there to let you know if there's anything you need they have it. No matter what the problem is open up don't hide it because in the long run, you'll not only be hurting yourself but others around you who are important and meaningful in your life. That is what I believe is a best friend.

Check  for more teen poetry.

Here are some of my all time favorites.

Japanese Haiku by ISSA (Translated into English)

In this world A kitten
even among insects stamps on falling leaves,
some sing well, some don't. holds them to the ground.


I ’M nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there ’s a pair of us—don’t tell!
They ’d banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody! 5
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Whispers of Mortality by E. E. Cummings

old age sticks
up Keep

youth yanks them down(old
cries No

youth laughs
old age

scolds Forbid
den Stop
n't Don't

&)youth goes
right on
owing old

Robert Frost Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

Annabel Lee
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

How to Eat a Poem by Eve Merriam

Don't be polite.
Bite in.
Pick it up with your fingers and lick the juice that may run down your chin.
It is ready and ripe now, whenecver you are.
You do not need a knife or fork or spoon
or plate or napkin or tablecloth.
For there is no core
or stem
or rind
or pit
or seed
or skin
to throw away.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Positive Thinking Thursday

Positive?  Yes, it's difficult to be positive when so much is happening around us that appears to be so negative, I know.  This is when we have to pull out all the stops and remain as positive as possible for those who need us and for our own well-being, as well.

What exactly would make you happy?  Summer weather?  Graduation?  Good grades?  Hanging out with friends?  Watching a good movie?  Singing and dancing with friends?  Harlem Shake?  (Is it really Harlem Shake or Slide? I truly can't remember. I told you I was getting old. Ha)    How about just laughing until your gut aches or your eyes tear?  That's what I love the most....a good hard laugh.  I do get to laugh a lot with my grandsons, but, of course, I sincerely miss the laughter of 8th graders.  Nothing compares.

Let's send our good thoughts and support to Boston, West,Texas.....Mississippi and Washington, DC too.
Here are some pictures to make us all feel better in the face of sadness.  Share your thoughts and what makes you smile.

Who can answer this question?

The one above is for me <3

I miss Vinnie's, Naples', Schiano's, and Marchione's pizza.  :-(

Friends and a good laugh too......

Tell me about what makes you happy.  Let's talk.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deep in the Heart of Texas Tuesday

Hello from Texas.....

I don't want to lose touch with all y'all just yet so here is my first blog from my new home state of Texas.  I know you are all gearing up for the "ever-present-in-the-back-of -your-mind" NJASK8.  Don't worry.  Just do what you do best: read insightfully and write powerfully and creatively.  You guys will be just fine.

On my trip from Barnegat to Houston and later on to Dallas, I saw many remarkable cities.  I will post some pictures. Let's see if you can recognize my locations.  Maybe this could be inspiration for an original short story, as well.  Interesting settings often lend themselves to fabulous story lines.

What do you think?
Let's see if you can trace my road trip.....

Easy so far, right?

One of my favorite spots below.....

Cities are wonderful places to tell a story.  The people who live in big cities have such interesting lives often with many challenges.

Let's see if someone can start a story here.  I look forward to hearing from each of you on the blog.

Mrs. P

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Time Travel Tuesday 2013

Welcome to the end of Marking Period 3.  I wanted to touch base with you now since I do not know how long it will take me to have Internet access in Texas.

 I know many eighth graders start to show signs of sadness during the final marking period since leaving Brackman is so bitter sweet. You want to move on to bigger and better things as a high school student, but you are leaving the comfort and security of your middle school years too. It's tough.

Well, I hope your last marking period will be the start of a new and exciting journey though language arts literacy. Even though you are reading a drama now in class, I decided to deviate from Theatrical Thursday and go back to one of my favorite topics, Time Travel. After all, you are reading about the past. I'd like to see how creative you can be by starting some ideas here for an historical fiction short story. After standardized testing is finished, you will be able to devote more time to writing original short stories. The blog is a perfect place to try out some ideas.

Time Travel Tuesday will allow you to use your imagination and jump back into a time in the past that interests you. Imagine yourself in the 1940's. Maybe you want to create a story of a German soldier or maybe a young Jewish boy caught in the termoil. Since you are reading Anne Frank's diary, I think WWII would be a perfect place to start your time travel.

Here are some pictures to get you started. Feel free to write the opening paragraph of an original short story based on one of the pictures or maybe describe a character complete with feelings and emotions. Description of setting will work here too. Just remember the time reference, somewhere in Europe or the Pacific ---circa 1940. You decide.
This is me with the Yellow Star. I had to carry this picture around with my identity card.This is me with the Yellow Star. I had to carry this picture around with my identity card.

Types of WWII Navy Ships

Child survivors of the Holocaust filmed during the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Red Army. January, 1945You have some things to think about. Which direction will you take your story? Will you write about an army man, a woman who supports the troups, or a Jewish child in a concentration camp? You can even take on the task of being a world leader making the decisions. You decide.